Experience the Awe-Inspiring Joy of Contending with Bold Faith in Prayer

Driving through my neighborhood at a slow pace, I could have never imagined what was about to unfold. It was a regular day, filled with routine activities—just a simple grocery run. What started as an ordinary task quickly turned into a divine encounter that would deepen my faith and reveal the power of bold, faith filled prayer.

As I drove, a tiny fawn suddenly darted from the right straight into my car. There was no time to stop, though I desperately tried. Adrenalin surged through me, my heart pounding and my mind flooded with a million thoughts all at once. My heart sank, and my entire nervous system was on high alert, dreading what I might find. But before I could even step out, I saw the baby fawn running across the road, its hind legs trembling as it disappeared into the adjoining strip of forest. I was left worrying if it had sustained any permanent damage that could harm its growth and development.

In those frantic moments, I struggled to grasp what had just happened. The fawn looked so tiny, so fragile, and so innocent. I knew I wouldn’t be able to catch up with it, and I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving without some sense of closure.

In situations like this, when adrenalin is pumping, my thoughts are spiraling, and my heart is pounding, I often turn to prayer. This time was no different. As I began to pray, Mark 11:22-24—a passage I had memorized years ago and regularly reviewed – bubbled up inside of me, no doubt prompted by the Holy Spirit. It says: “’Jesus replied, “Let the faith of God be in you! Listen to the truth I speak to you: Whoever says to this mountain with great faith and does not doubt, ‘Mountain, be lifted up and thrown into the midst of the sea,’ and believes that what he says will happen, it will be done. This is the reason I urge you to boldly believe for whatever you ask for in prayer—be convinced that you have received it and it will be yours.’ (TPT). I encourage you to look it up in your favorite translation and share with me what you notice.

I then proceeded to throw the mountain of possible harm to that fawn’s body into the sea, commanding any injuries to leave the baby deer’s body, including any trauma on its little soul. I prayed boldly for the deer’s healing and protection, thanking God that He was taking care of this tiny creature. This was more than just a moment of empathy for an animal—it was a bold step of faith and a powerful reminder of the prayer’s power when we believe without doubting, just as Jesus instructs us.

Even as I continued my drive home, I could feel my mind drifting back to worry. But I reminded myself of Jesus’ words – to believe that what I had asked for would be received. I realized that this contending, this standing firm in faith after praying, was something I hadn’t practiced as consistently before. Yet, it’s Jesus’ very instruction, and that realization gave me the courage and boldness to go for it and contend with confidence.

When I returned home, I received a message from a new dear friend who had just suffered a severe injury, breaking bones in multiple places of her foot. Without hesitation, I began praying for her the same way I had prayed for the fawn. It felt right, and I sensed the Holy Spirit nudging me to write out the prayer in a message to her.

At first, I hesitated. I wasn’t sure if she would feel spiritually bypassed by such a bold prayer. Many of my Christian friends carry deep pain about spiritual matters, and I was particularly concerned that she might feel like I was telling her to just have faith, which could lead to guilt if healing didn’t come. I had wrestled with that dilemma many times myself, and it has sometimes made me hesitant to move openly in faith with others. But I decided to take the risk and do it anyway. I sent her a short message of care along with the written-out prayer.

A couple of days later, I checked in for an update. She shared that there were other potential issues that might be confirmed through upcoming tests, and it was disheartening. My heart was with her in spirit, knowing how discouraging a long recovery can be.

Then the weekend came. I have a backstory of struggling to honor the Sabbath correctly, feeling at a loss as to how to do it. I assume some of you can relate to wrestling with feeling too busy or burdened to pause, unsure of what would even qualify as a meaningful rest. But God and I had arrived at a plan to try. On the Sabbath, I would take a moment to sit with Him and ask what He was inviting me to do. I almost didn’t follow through because I had so many other things I wanted to check off my list. However, as I surrendered my plans to Him, I felt led to go on a worship walk through the local woods.

It took some willpower at first—I was tired, and the heat outside was intense. But as I approached the entry to the woods and the trail, worshiping, the desire bubbled up in me, just as that passage from Mark had before. I decided not let it be just a fleeting thought but to turn it into a conscious prayer as I walked. Spontaneously, I told God how much I would love to catch a glimpse of that baby fawn. I’ve never encountered a deer in those woods—they hide well. And as before, I didn’t see any deer during my entire walk.

Just as I was about to exit the trail, preparing my heart to deal with the disappointment of not seeing the fawn, I noticed movement in the underbrush. There was the mama deer, and hidden a little farther back was the baby—alive and well! I was so moved! Had I not listened to God, I wouldn’t have been out at that time of day, nor would I have been prompted to ask for a glimpse of the deer, let alone seen it.

Tears filled my eyes as I felt God’s presence so strongly, affirming my faith and prayers. This was no coincidence; it was a divine confirmation that He had indeed heard my cries and responded.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, my thoughts immediately turned to my friend. I felt a strong urge to share with her what had led me to pray the way I did and the experience I had just witnessed. I invited her to join me in praying bold prayers, believing like the verses say. I believed that, like Daniel, whose prayer habit was threatened yet remained faithful, my own faithfulness in prayer would set the stage for something much greater. And, it did.

My friend was touched and excited, but she also recognized a hesitancy in her heart—a fear of disappointment from praying for things that might not happen. It is so understandable to feel cautious about risking disappointment again, especially for those of us who have many experiences of seemingly unanswered prayers in our story. Such histories can leave wounds that are slow to heal, with scars of unmet expectations that make caution a very logical protective response. I could relate completely. Yet, she chose to reject fear and hesitation, joining me in prayer with a heart full of faith. Together, we became “two gathered in His name,” agreeing in prayer and moving mountains.

This experience taught me much about the importance of yielding to God’s leading. It was His prompting that led me to faithfully memorizing scriptures long before the incident with the fawn. At the right moment He reminded me of the exact verse I needed to meet the challenge in front of me. His leading encouraged me to hold on to His word and trust that my prayers would be answered. It was also His leading that brought me to the trail that hot afternoon, where I asked for a glimpse of the fawn, and it was His prompting that inspired me to share my experience with my friend, bringing her much needed encouragement.

As I mentioned already, God took me back to the book of Daniel, highlighting the faithful habits Daniel cultivated in praying regularly, maintaining them no matter what. Daniel, who prayed faithfully every day by his window, never wavered, even when faced with the threat of the lion’s den. His prayers were more than dutiful obligations; they were a committed expression of his unwavering faith in God. God paralleled Daniel’s commitment with my faithfulness in memorizing scripture daily, devoting significant time to review so I would not forget. He reminded me that, like Daniel, my faithfulness may lead to trials, but it also sets the stage for His greatness to be revealed.

As you may remember (and if not, I highly recommend reading the story!), Daniel had no idea how his faithfulness would impact an entire kingdom. When King Darius witnessed God’s deliverance of Daniel from the lions, he proclaimed the greatness of the true God to all his subjects. Similarly, I felt the Holy Spirit urging me to trust that my prayers could have far-reaching impacts beyond what I could imagine. Already, God has used this story to ministered to my friend in ways that only God could orchestrate. And I trust that He will continue to add His goodness and greatness to our faithfulness, making it a testimony that reaches others in ways we may never fully understand.

I felt personally encouraged by God to trust that this story, too, would go farther, inspiring many more people to pray faith-filled prayers despite past disappointments, and renew their courage and boldness to contend after the prayer has been prayed. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, served me as another helpful example not to let past disappointments stop me from continuing to pray with faith. After all, they stood firm in their faith even when faced with a fiery furnace, despite having faced many challenges before that could have caused them to worry or doubt. Yet, they still trusted that God could save them, and even if He did not, they would not abandon their faithfulness to Him. Their story shows that God never abandoned them either.

It’s no different with me. I want to be diligent, consistent, and committed in my walk with Him. Even when past disappointments cause me hesitation or even fear, I choose to remember that God’s timing is perfect, and His ways are higher than mine. I refuse to let past disappointments master my choices in the moment. I choose freedom, faith, and commitment every time.

I invite you to engage in bold, faith-filled prayer. Is there something weighing on your heart that aligns with God’s heart and will? Will you take a moment to pray boldly for that mountain to be thrown into the sea and then stand firm in the belief that your prayer has been heard and will be answered according to Jesus’s words? Trust that God is at work, even when the outcome isn’t what you expect. Are past hurts holding you back, or are you stepping out in faith, ready to see God move in powerful ways? If you are holding back, please know there is so much grace, compassion and understanding for your reasons. Your disappointments were real and they impacted you deeply. I don’t want to minimize or invalidate those experiences at all. Remember, God is also the God of all comfort. There is a place for us to be comforted by him in those disappointments and the pain they caused.

Let this story encourage you. Just as I saw that baby deer alive and well after contending and standing firm after prayer, let your prayers be alive with faith, believing that God hears you and is responding in His perfect way. Don’t hold back—pray boldly, with confidence, and watch as God reveals His greatness in your life.

In the end, it’s not just about the answered prayers or the miracles we witness; it’s about the faithfulness we cultivate in our daily walk with God. Like Daniel, we may not always see the full picture, but we can trust that our faithfulness will set the stage for God to move in powerful ways, beyond what we could ever ask or imagine.

Oh, and in case you were wondering—my friend’s follow-up X-ray revealed no broken bones! How amazing is that? I’m so grateful for all I learned during this journey, even before knowing the outcome, but what a wonderful outcome it is! So keep praying, friends—it’s powerful!

Do you have a story of praying with bold faith, truly contending and believing in the power of prayer? Please share it as it will build everyone’s faith and bring glory to God!


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