Essential Sleep Do’s to Upgrade Your Zzz’s

Hi! Now that we’ve covered some general baseline habits that help with sleep quality, which in turn reduce your cortisol/stress levels, I’m excited to dive into some specific sleep do’s with you. It’s always refreshing to focus on the positive side of things, especially when it comes to sleep. Sure, we’ll touch on what to avoid too, because let’s face it, sometimes that’s just as crucial. But for now, let’s kick things off with some proactive sleep strategies! So, I hope you’re ready to try some new things in the effort to optimize your sleep!

  • Keep a sleep journal – I don’t know about you, but I find it difficult to keep track of things, so I encourage you to consider starting a sleep journal It’s a great way to track your sleep patterns and gain insights into your nighttime habits. I bet there are even apps for this, I just haven’t looked and gone old school. Jot down details like your bedtime, wake-up time, and how restful your sleep was. Don’t forget to note what you ate and when, whether you squeezed in some exercise, and any other noteworthy occurrences during the day, like looming deadlines or heated arguments. This simple practice can reveal trends and areas for improvement you might not have noticed otherwise!
  • Manage blue light – Now, let’s chat about screen time, shall we? We all have our nightly rituals, whether it’s scrolling through our phones, catching up on shows, or doing some late-night studying on the computer. etc. but did you know that the blue light emitted by our devices can mess with our sleep? Now, I know what you’re thinking—limiting screen time before bed sounds like a drag, right? Plus this is sounding a lot like a ‘don’t. And this post is about ‘do’s’. So, if tearing yourself away from your screens feels impossible, here’s a nifty trick: grab yourself some blue light blocking glasses or dive into the settings on your devices. You might just find an option to switch your screen to a warmer light as the sun sets. I’ve got this feature on my PC, phone, and iPad—super handy! And while my TV might be a bit behind the times, who knows? Maybe newer models have that option too. So, give it a try! Making this simple adjustment could be the key to drifting off into dreamland more peacefully.
  • Glean hacks from others – Quiz your friends about what works for them, because you might have some simple tips and tricks right within your friend circle reach. Share your experiences with implementing sleep strategies with your friends and family. Swap stories, tips, and tricks, because, you might discover a game-changing solution from someone else’s journey. So, let’s open up the conversation and learn from one another. Share your favorites in the comments!
  • Give your mental chatroom to God – In addition to tracking your sleep patterns and managing that blue light before bed, it’s essential to address the thoughts that keep you up at night. Take a moment to reflect on what tends to occupy your mind when you’re trying to sleep. Are there worries, anxieties, or unresolved issues that surface? Instead of letting these thoughts consume you, try bringing them to God before bedtime. Offer up your concerns in prayer and seek His peace to quiet your mind.
  • Have a game plan – It’s also helpful to have a plan in place for those moments when your mind races despite your best efforts. Psalm 23:2 reminds us that God leads us beside quiet waters and invites us to rest in His care. Embrace this truth and trust that He desires for us to experience restful sleep. Choose a strategy to try when you wake up with a racing mind, whether it’s practicing gratitude, reciting a memory verse, counting, or engaging in prayer. By deciding on a specific approach beforehand, you can respond effectively in the moment without feeling overwhelmed. My personal favorite besides prayer is to start reciting a long passage I have memorized before and see how far I get. The amazing thing is that when I wake up in the morning, I can usually pinpoint about how far in I got. If the passages are too short, that trick doesn’t work as well for me.
  • Do your emotional work – Consider how much of the sleeplessness might be due to unprocessed, repressed trauma, emotional things that have been buried and are starting to put pressure on your body wanting to be heard and dealt with. Therapy or life consulting (I’d love to work with you) is a great investment!
  • Regulate – Have you heard about nervous system regulation exercises? They’re amazing for helping your body chill out and get ready for some serious rest. I’m actually putting together a playlist of these exercises that I can’t wait to share with you—stay tuned for that! But, in the meantime, here’s a quick tip: try some deep breathing for a few minutes. It’s a simple yet effective way to calm your mind and body, setting the stage for a peaceful night’s sleep. Give it a shot!
  • Leverage sounds – For some people soothing music, or even a sound machine can help with falling asleep. I recommend instrumental for this. Music has a powerful effect on our mood and can help promote relaxation. Choose a calming melody that resonates with you and incorporate it into your nightly wind-down routine.  
  • Adjust your bedtime – In addition to understanding the importance of an early bedtime and the hormonal benefits of sleep, it’s crucial to take proactive steps to gradually adjust your bedtime routine. If you currently go to bed later than desired, consider setting a goal to gradually shift your bedtime earlier in increments. For example, if you typically go to bed at 11:00 PM and aim to reach a bedtime of 10:00 PM, start by setting smaller goals, such as going to bed five minutes earlier each week. Alternatively, you can opt for slightly larger intervals, like 15-30 minutes, depending on your comfort level and readiness for change. The key is to approach this transition gradually and intentionally, allowing your body and mind time to adjust to the new schedule. As you progress toward your goal bedtime, pay attention to any changes you notice in your sleep patterns and how you feel during the day.
  • Go dark – Invest in some blackout curtains or grab an eye mask to signal to your body that it’s time for sleep. Blackout curtains or blinds are amazing! Especially in the summer when it is light out for so much longer.
  • Befriend earplugs – If you’re like me and the slightest noise disrupts your sleep, earplugs are your new best friend. Trust me, finding the perfect pair might take some trial and error, (I was convinced for years that earplugs just weren’t for me!) but now that I found my trick, it’s like a lullaby for my ears.
  • Go herbal – Try some herbs like ashwagandha or the amino acid, Gaba. These amazing supplements, along with some magnesium, can work wonders for easing your mind before bed. And let’s not forget about the calming powers of chamomile and lavender! They come in tea, essential oils and capsules. Some have good results with Reishi mushrooms, others take a trace mineral that helps at night. But be warned, as you get brave and experiment, you may have some things back fire. Valerian root was one such herb for me, it actually made me more restless! Other things may simply not be noticeably good or bad. That may be due to dosage, but also, if it’s not doing the trick, don’t force it. 
  • Work with your hormones – Timing your carbs for the majority to be had at your evening meal could also positively affect your sleep, especially if you think you have hormonal issues. By saving most of your carbs for dinner (make sure they are complex carbs), you’re giving your body a little nudge toward dreamland. Another thing that can help with pesky hormone-related sleep struggles is a natural progesterone cream. But remember, it’s always best to chat with a pro to help you find the right dose that works for you.
  • Let the Holy Spirit lead you – In all of this, stay sensitive to the input from the Holy Spirit in identifying which adjustments to prioritize in your bedtime routine. Your reasons for experiencing sleep challenges may differ from others, so it’s essential to discern the most impactful changes for your unique situation. Prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to highlight specific areas for improvement, whether it’s managing screens before bed, practicing relaxation techniques, or establishing a consistent sleep schedule.
  • One thing at a time – Remember, progress is achieved one step at a time, so focus on implementing one change at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Besides, if you try too many things at once, you won’t know which one worked or didn’t. By taking a slow and steady approach to adjusting your bedtime routine, you’re more likely to experience sustainable improvements in your sleep habits.
  • Don’t be afraid to track and tweak – As you implement these strategies, take note of what works best for you. Evaluate the effectiveness of your chosen method after a few days and adjust as needed. Remember, the goal is to create a sleep routine that aligns with God’s design for rest and rejuvenation. If you’re facing persistent sleep challenges, let me know so I can give you a trouble shooting list for sleep. It’s not complete but it is a good place to start. It offers practical tips and insights to address common sleep issues one step at a time.
  • Embrace your bio individuality – Keep in mind, what works for me might not work for you, and vice versa. We’re all unique sleepers, so it’s all about finding what works for you.

Keep tabs on your progress with any of these suggestions that you’re giving a try in your sleep journal. How do you feel when you wake up? Are you more rested? How many hours did you clock in? Even any change in those pesky cravings for sugar and caffeine? Better sleep often means fewer cravings, so it’s worth paying attention to. The goal is finding what works for you, so keep that record handy!

So there you have it – a few simple tweaks to your sleep routine that could make all the difference. Here’s to nights filled with sweet dreams and mornings that feel like a warm hug!

This week, make a list of tweaks you sense God is guiding you toward. Tackle them one by one, track your progress, and give it time to sink in. And don’t forget to indulge in some golden milk – it’s the perfect bedtime treat.

Happy trouble shooting! I’m praying for your sleep to be refreshing and sweet!

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Susan

    “Leave your mental chat room to God.” Love this! Great tips and information. Thanks for sharing.

    1. admin

      🥰 sounds so simple, right? 😁

  2. Vickie Turley

    I’m definitely working on getting off my phone earlier at night. I’m also going back to drinking my golden milk at night – it seemed to help when I did it regularly. I’m praying more at night finally. I love the idea of having a backup plan also. So that will be my next tweak. Love these ideas!

    1. admin

      You have so many good action steps lined up! How did it go this week?

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